ICU Outcome Prediction
PhysioNet 2012 Dataset and the mTAND Architecture
The PhysioNet dataset challenges ML systems in predicting patient outcomes in the ICU
Only 4000 datapoints
Up to 42 variables
Six of these variables are general descriptors (collected on admission)
Remainder are time series, for which multiple observations may be available.
Multi-Time Attention Networks for Irregularly Sampled Time Series (mTAND)
State-of-the-art open-source architecture on the PhysioNet Dataset at time of test
Perforated Backpropagation overfit when added to original architecture
We then increased and decreased the width of the layers of the network by a constant factor X, giving “Net X” in the graph
No other modifications were made to depth or any other parameters in the training pipeline
Graph shows Test AUC scores which is the metric used on the PhysioNet competition leaderboard, along with parameter counts of each network
Doubling the network width has very small effect on accuracy
Reducing width and adding Perforated AI technology to the reduced network resulted in a final network size which was 9.3% the initial size while improving accuracy by 4%!
Each point shows the AUC score as additional Dendrites are added