ICU Outcome Prediction

PhysioNet 2012 Dataset and the mTAND Architecture

  • The PhysioNet dataset is on predicting patient mortality rates in ICU

  • Only 4000 datapoints

  • Up to 42 variables 

    • Six of these variables are general descriptors (collected on admission)

    • Remainder are time series, for which multiple observations may be available.

  • Multi-Time Attention Networks for Irregularly Sampled Time Series (mTAND)

    • State of the art open source architecture on the PhysioNet Dataset at time of test

  • Perforated Backpropagation overfit when added to initial architecture

    • We then increased and decreased the width of the layers of the network by a constant factor X, giving “Net X” in the graph

      • No modifications were made to depth or anything else in the training pipeline

  • Graph shows Test AUC scores which is the metric used on the PhysioNet competition leaderboard, along with parameter counts of each network

  • Doubling the network width has very small effect on accuracy

  • Reducing width and adding Perforated AI reduced network to 9.3% the initial size while improving accuracy by 4%!

    • Each point shows the AUC score as cycles are run

Freemium will be available starting September 17th

To request early access or ask any questions contact our founder:
Rorry Brenner Ph.D.