Neural Network Optimization Hackathon!
$6000 In Prizes!
To empower machine learning researchers to get the most out of their PyTorch Algorithms with Perforated Backpropagation™.
February 1st and March 22nd
Carnegie Mellon University - Swartz Center
Join us for Perforated AI’s First Hackathon!
As an ML researcher you have three main tools in your toolbelt: Parameter Tuning, Dataset Curation, and Model Design. Parameter Tuning and Dataset Curation have diminishing returns after initial efforts and designing new models runs the risk of no improvement upon the old ones. This hackathon will give you access to a cutting edge new tool for neural network optimization: a new type of artificial neuron.
Boost your current PyTorch projects to have better predictive power and accuracy
Compress your models without a loss in predictive power and accuracy
1st place - 3000$
2nd place - 2000$
3rd place - 1000$
Submission of a Project: Perforated AI Hoodie
February 1st
10-11: Welcome and Brunch
11-11:30: Perforated Backpropagation™ Presentation
11:30-12:30: Networking and Team Formation
12:30-1: Implementation Walkthrough
1-4: Hacking - Get this optimizer into your project
Mini Prizes
During day 1 we will also give out assorted smaller prizes to folks who build the quickest or approach more complicated projects
Sweep parameters and maximize the impact on your systems
March 22nd
12-1: Welcome, Lunch, Networking
1-2: Project Presentations
2-3: Networking, Judges Evaluating, Speaker TBA
3-4: Winner Announcements